Deadlifts are Hard


Deadlifts are hard. The above picture is The Beast, Eddie Hall, deadlifting 500 kilos, or a little over 1100 pounds. You see his nose bleeding and his body bearing the load that would rip a normal man's arms off and crush his legs. To lift this herculean weight takes years of destroying your body and tearing it apart so that it grows back stronger and stronger until it is able to lift and hold weights that seem impossible to carry. 

I was reminded of this feat by Eddie when writing on the Introit for Trinity 6 which sings, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."  This introit comes with the Gospel lesson in which Jesus says that He came not to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but in order that they may be fulfilled. It is Jesus alone Who fulfills the law and satisfies the Father's righteousness. It is Jesus alone Who was obedient to the law to the point of death, even death on a cross. It is Jesus alone Who satisfies the law and fulfills it. We cannot bear the heavy weight of the Laws demands. Even we who are rescued from sin, death, world, and the power of the devil still have the struggles of the flesh because we are not yet freed from this valley of the shadow of death. We cannot bear teh heavy weight of the law while here below. it crushes us becuase of our sins. It kills us becuase of our transgressions. We cannot lift the weight of the law and carry its heavy burden. 

It is Jesus alone Who lifts the weight of the law off our shoulders. He is the One Who, in our stead, was crushed under the weight of the law, taking the punishment we deserve. He did this, not as a fellow sinner hoping to become holy by His good works, but rather as the sinless Son of God sent by His Father to lift the the heavy weight of righteousness that crushes us. Just as Eddie Hall was crushed to lift something impossible, so, in greater fashion was Jesus crushed to lift lift the heavy weight of the law's condemning voice off us that we may receive the impossible gift of eternal life. You and I cannot silence the law's condemning voice because we have plenty that needs condemning. Jesus, on the other hand, has nothing to codemn. He alone is the One that silences the law's condemning voice by taking our sins as His own, paying the price for them in His blood, and now forgiving us with the content of the cross as the message of reconciliation between us and the Father. The law condemns you no more, for you are forgiven and one with Christ Jesus, your Lord. 

So, get to lifting then. You cannot fulfill the law or satisfy the Father's righteousness by your works. That isn't your place. You are not called to lift the 500 kilo deadlift. You are not called to work out your own salvation. You are called to repent and abide in the forgiveness of your sins. You are called to rejoice in the Gospel that reckons you righteous just as Jesus is righteous. The law is still there. It is not null and void. It has not been nor will ever be abolished. The law of God is good and wise. It is good for you. It curbs you from sinning against God and your neighbor, reveals when you have, and now sets you aright so you walk in righteousness and purity forever. You don't look at the law and attempt to become righteous by it. Rather, you see the law fulfilled in Jesus, trust in Him, and now walk in the law, keeping its precepts, from a free and merry spirit. Deadlifts are hard. The law is hard. But, in Christ alone, you are called onto a pilgrimage of heavy days in which you will struggle, be crushed, and come back stronger as you are carried through this valley of sorrow to Christ Himself in heaven.

Peace be with you. May the devil be silenced, the world be hushed, and the Old Adam drowned anew so that you may hear the voice of your Savior Jesus alone Who says, I love you. I forgive you. I claim you as My Own forever, Amen. 

Jesus' Sheepdog
