3rd Easter Sunday Busy Hands Bulletin

4th Easter Sunday Busy Hands Bulletin

5th Easter Sunday Busy Hands Bulletin

As a mom of 6, church is hard. This is especially true when you're wrangling ages 1-6. You know the age that can listen and talk to you, but doesn't really want to do that all the time? The ones that have an attention-span of a Cocker Spaniel and when you turn around they might be under a pew or destroying all the prayer request cards. 

Have you ever tried to use the regular bulletin, children's bulletin or anything in between? For me, the pre-reader stage is the hardest. I want them in church, they want to be in church (for about 30 seconds), but inevitably the coloring page of the children's bulletin can only go so far into the service before they lose interest and they can't read well enough for a crossword puzzle. 

BUSY HANDS BULLETIN was created for toddlers through kindergarteners (or children who cannot follow along well with the main bulletin). The hope is to connect your child back to the service. Let them color the picture, tell them the words that are BIG, have them trace and try to write the words. Ask them the questions, redirect them back into the service and engage with them to look to the front and what is happening there. 

While redirecting, they are learning different parts of the church and the service. They are listening, they are soaking it in, and hopefully this will keep them involved and learning which keeps them (AND YOU) in the service longer. 

Feel free to print and use these in your congregation. They are developed for the One-Year Lectionary so a keyword and picture will associate with the Gospel reading that day, along with 1 verse of the Hymn of the Day. 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”


  1. I'm going to use this tomorrow. Thank you!

  2. Are you going to publish the next set soon? These have gone over so well and it would be great to know if there's a consisent drop date for them.

    1. May bulletins are up! We will try to get all of the month's bulletins up before the Friday of that 1st Sunday. If that makes sense. https://jesus-sheepdog.blogspot.com/2024/05/may-bulletin-for-littles.html


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